Matti Rubin (1946-2017)

We are sorry to inform you that our colleague Matti Rubin from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel died on 6th of February, 2017.

adieu Mati, by Robert Bonnet

Dear Friends,I have lost my best friend Mati, who was one of the deepest mathematicians that I knew. These news have saddened all mathematicians, and in particular his friends.
Mati Rubin was born in September 1946, he studied in Ben Gurion University and University of Colorado with Don Monk, and he obtained his PhD under the supervision of Saharon Shelah.
He was a fantastic and deep mathematician, explaining all ideas, results and proofs in details to all colleagues interested.
He published fifty papers in different subjects, some of them in collaboration, with 26 co-authors, including Saharon Shelah and J. Don Monk.
His domains of research cover Mathematical logic, Set theory, Ordered algebraic structures, General topology and Group theory and generalizations. He was a specialist in Set theory, Boolean algebras and Reconstruction results from their automorphism groups. Some of his work is left unfinished.

With all my best wishes, Robert

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